Head Shaving

I'm done with Chemo!!!  My last chemo treatment was Wednesday, August 23.  I will be doing some blood tests and a CT scan to see how things are looking and where we go from here.  I should have all my results next week.

In the meantime, I'm well aware that I haven't been updating this blog as I should.  In my defense, we've been having a whole lot of fun this summer! More on that later...

Let's start with some pictures from when I shaved my head.  I had expected to lose my hair w/in the first two weeks of chemo.  However, while I did lose a whole lot of hair, I never lost it all.  It came out in large clumps when I brushed or washed my hair.  The largest amounts of hair loss occurred a couple of days after each chemo treatment.  I cut my hair shorter and shorter over about 4 months and then it finally thinned to the point that I finally decided to shave it off.

The head shaving party took place on June 24. I told Keira that she could give me bangs, so she was really excited to try out her barbering skills. She made the first cut. Ryder was a bit hesitant at first, but warmed up quickly. Savanna alternated between being excited and traumatized.  She really likes to rub Roger's short hair and calls him her "Fuzzy Head."  When she thought about this, she would dance around and say, "Mom, now you can be my fuzzy head, too!"  Then she would watch the hair cutting and her eyes would get big and worried.  Then she would cover her mouth and say, "Oh, Momma!"

Roger was alarmingly excited to shave my head.  I think he was happy to finally have more hair than me!

All right...on with the pictures:

Here's the before picture.  I had been wearing a hat all day, so my hair was plastered against my head. You can see how thin and nasty it was, which made it an easy decision to shave it. It's not super noticeable in this picture, but the most of my red hair had fallen out and what was left was mostly gray.  Again...not too hard to shave that off.

Keira making the first cut to give me bangs. She decided that she did not have a future in cutting hair after she saw the final result.

After the first cut, the kids just grabbed handfuls of hair and started cutting. When they were done, I had nasty thick/thin spots all over.  Roger finished things off by getting the clippers and shaving it all off. 

As I look at these pictures, I'm impressed with how thick my eyelashes and eyebrows were! I still have a few, but they are very thin now.

Ryder and Savanna had the hardest time getting used to my bald head.  As soon as we cleaned up, Ryder asked if he could get Stella for me.  Stella is great and I wear her to church. She is, however, a bit uncomfortable and hot, so I don't wear her often.

Here's a pic of me and Stella.  The family decided to have some fun with her, as well:


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