It's a Fair Summer

Weber County Fair
We decided to splurge a bit and give the kids their first taste of cotton candy. Keira loved it. As you can see by the stink face Ryder was giving us, he wasn't about to put that weird stuff in his mouth!

Can you believe we paid $5 bucks for Keira to ride these ponies!? She loved it so much. She asks us every day to go to Grandpa's house to ride his horse, Brownie. This horse is no Brownie, but she loved it all the same.

Ryder had a great time feeding all of the animals until this goat nibbled his finger. He wouldn't go near them after that!

Keira, on the other hand, loved every minute of feeding the animals in the petting zoo.

The crowning moment of the Weber County Fair was when Keira got to milk a cow. After all her experience riding horses and milking cows, I think she's almost ready for a summer at Grandma and Grandpa Goodman's farm!

We had so much fun at the Weber County Fair in Ogden, we decided to go to the Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot. We spent the weekend with Uncle Rex and Aunt Cassie and went to the fair with them. Thanks for a great weekend, guys!

The fair in Blackfoot also had a little petting zoo, which the kids loved. Notice how Ryder learned his lesson from the petting zoo in Ogden. He made absolutely sure that anytime he had feed in his hand that his fingers were completely straight. That made it a bit hard to actually carry the feed to the animal, but he wasn't taking any chances!

Keira lucked out and found 2 rides that she was barely big enough to ride. She had a great time. Poor Ryder was too small for anything, but he was a good sport and had fun watching his sister.

We did, however, find a few things Ryder could play on...

About the time we were ready to head home, Keira started whining and throwing quite the little fit. She finally quieted down and we thought she was putting on a great pouting show. However, upon looking a little closer, we realized that she was actually asleep! She was so excited to see Uncle Rex and Aunt Cassie that she hadn't taken a nap earlier that day and she just couldn't stay awake any longer. We took that as a sign to head back to the house.


That is hysterical. She is sooo beautiful. I love her beautiful hair. She reminds me a lot of my Libby. And isn't Ryder a doll! Wish we could get together! Omaha is a great place to visit (hint hint)

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