Missouri Trip

Keira waited all week to ride one of Grandpa's horses. She finally got to ride Brownie and she was so excited she could hardly stand it. In Utah, she only gets to ride the carousel horses after we are done shopping. She liked the real thing even better!

Grandma and Grandpa's new house is right by the river. Grandma takes all the grandkids and cools off in the water. Keira and Ryder are catching pollywogs and crawdads with their cousin, Avery.

It was hot and muggy in Missouri, so we really liked spending time at Stockton Lake. The kids liked the water ok, but liked playing in the sand the best. You can see that Ryder had his own bucket, but preferred Keira's pink one. He may be little, but he was clearly big enough to send Keira into meltdown mode.

We lit fireworks on the 4th of July in Everton at Grandma and Grandpa's new house (and no...that's not it in the background). Keira loved her little sparklers, but wasn't about to relinquish the hold she had on the yummy corn that Grandpa grilled.


Alice said…
It looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I am glad that you are back .

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