Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was great. My wonderful husband took care of the kids and made breakfast and dinner. He and Ryder picked out some beautiful flowers and gave me some yummy chocolates. I also got to give the Relief Society lesson and speak in Sacrament for Mother's Day...not so much fun at the time, but a good experience. One thing I did to prepare for my talk was to speak to some of my brothers and my sister to see what stood out to them about our mother growing up. It was fun to hear the consistencies in what they mentioned.

The biggest thing that stood out to all of us was our Mother's testimony of the Gospel. She was truly the backbone in our family in terms of making sure that we read our scriptures as a family every morning before school, said family prayers morning and night, had weekly family home evening, and making sure we were at church 15 minutes early to sit on the 2nd row every Sunday. She frequently bore her testimony of being a child of God and has never waivered in the knowledge of who she is and in her divine potential.

She always made it clear to us that her family was her first priority and made several sacrificies to ensure that we always came first. She gave up many of the nicer things to stay home with us. She made sure that we ate together as a family and always cooked wonderful, nutritious meals for her family.

Another thing that everyone remembered and appreciated was what Mom did for our birthdays. Whenever anyone had a birthday, she would decorate the table nicely and place their picture in the center to honor them. The birthday boy or girl would get to choose what they wanted for breakfast (usually biscuits and gravy) and dinner (usually steak, navajo tacos, or enchiladas) and what kind of cake/pie we wanted.

While we have always loved and appreciated our mom, I think our respect and appreciation for her gets stronger as we get older and start having children of our own. We start to get a little taste of how much effort she really had to put in to accomplish the things she did. Mom, thanks for being a wonderful Mother. Thanks for setting such a good example for us and teaching us the things you did. We love you!


Alice said…
What a great post about your mom. She sounds wonderful, and you are just like her. Happy Mother's day. You are a great mom :)

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